Report Overview
Kumho Tire publishes a sustainability report to transparently disclose financial and non-financial performance and management activities to various stakeholders. This 12th sustainability report was published in Aug 2024.
Reporting Standards
This report was prepared based on the GRI Standards 2021, a guideline for sustainability management reporting as the core criteria. Additionally, it incorporates global reporting standards such as the SASB (Sustainability Accounting Standards Board), TCFD (Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures), WEF (World Economic Forum), UN Global Compact, and UN SDGs. Financial information is presented according to the consolidated standards of the Korea International Financial Reporting Standards (K-IFRS).
Reporting Period
This report covers the sustainability management performance from January 1, 2023, to December 31, 2023, including significant activities from the first half of 2024. To provide insights into the continuity and sustainability of performance, data and target achievement rates for the last three years (2021-2023) were also reported.
Reporting Cycle
The report is published annually, and this is the 12th edition.
Reporting Scope and Boundaries
The reporting scope includes Kumho Tire’s Seoul office and domestic and overseas business sites. If necessary, specific clarifications were made regarding the reporting scope.
Report Verification
To ensure the reliability of the reported information, this report was verified by Korea Management Registrar (KMR), the third-party verification agency. The third-party agency verified the data according to the international verification standard AA1000AS v3. The verification results are included on pages 105-106 of this report.